Oh BTW, I am hoping to have a couple of the fleece wraps for raffle or whatever we want to do with them. Might have some other nifty little items for door prizes, will have to see.
I am going to update the "things the grove needs" thread in a minute. I will be making some pads to go under dishes to help save the cloth table cloths as we start to get them.
COuld you give a certificate for a food item? I'd love to donate a lasagna, but it can be customized (i.e. meat vs. no meat), so I'd like to leave that open.
We will be having a bake auction after our Yule High Rite this year. If you wish to participate, bring your best dish to auction (and some cash and or checks to bid on some yourself!). All items will start out at $5. Please put your item in a dish that you can part with, disposable is okay for this event.
We are also asking members to donate a gift to the Grove. This is an annual tradition where we post a list of books that Grove members can buy for the Grove as a gift. Our current list is located here: http://www.cedarlightgrove.org/book-donations/