Wizards Project ...
A "Truth Wizard" is a person identified in the Wizards Project, who can identify deception with exceptional accuracy of at least 80% or higher, whereas the average person is only as good as a coin toss. No Truth Wizard, however, is 100% accurate. The term "wizard" refers to "a person of amazing skill or accomplishment"[1].
Scientists Dr. Maureen O'Sullivan and Dr. Paul Ekman, who led the Wizards Project [1] identified only 50 people as Truth Wizards after testing 20,000 people (about 0.25% of the tested population)[2] from all walks of life, including the Secret Service, FBI, sheriffs, police, attorneys, arbitrators, psychologists, students, and many others.
Surprisingly, while psychiatrists and law enforcement personnel showed no more aptitude than college freshmen, Secret Service agents were the most skilled.
Dr. Paul Ekman said on NPR that they "have found 50 who have this really nearly perfect ability to spot liars, and that's without any specialized training."[3]