Posted by: lindowyn
« on: April 28, 2015, 05:52:31 PM »
CedarLight Grove will open it's doors today between the hours of 7-9pm to hold space and a good fire for those wishing to say prayers, make offerings, or seek guidance from the Kindred during this turbulent time in our city. We will close the doors promptly at 9 pm to give people time to get home before the mandatory city-wide curfew.
We have no formal service offered at this time, but candles, prayer ribbons, a fire for offerings, and sacred space will be offered to all.
Those who are far away and cannot physically attend, we invite you to join us during this time (7-9 pm), and encourage you to post photos of your altars, candles, anything you'd like to share with us (and we with you) during this time.
This event is public and open to everyone with an open mind and an open heart. We are Baltimore; we take care of each other.