This is just a friendly reminder that our journey to hang with the Deities of Samhain (and likely the other kindred that want to hang, you'd have a hard time keeping the ancestors away) will occur this Friday evening.
We are gathering at 7pm, and intend to start around 7:30 once everyone is settled. Once we journey and journal (J&J), we're going to light a fire in the sanctuary and have a mini ritual. The full moon is a great time for amplifying prayers and manifestations. We're going to make it a Druidic/Wiccan (I have dubbed it "Wuish" which is better than "Diccan") blend to accommodate some of the folks we'll have there. It's a mini rite because it's a learning rite, but no less powerful. I'm writing up the liturgy tonight.
Please bring snacks, food, offerings, incense...whatever you are feeling moved to. Take a moment and meditate on this. For folks who cannot make it and would like to attend in spirit, let me know if you'd like me to light you a candle or an incense or offering and I would be happy to do that for you.
Attendees: Write a poem or bring/write a song. I'm feeling a strong pull towards the sonic powers. If you can't, don't worry.