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As of right now, October 16th I am off work (have not heard anything about that manager job yet.)
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 WWtOO Sign up Sheet
« Last post by carynml on June 21, 2016, 08:48:47 PM »
OK here are the dates that Iknow I will not be here.
Aug 28   @ East Coast Thing

Annnnnd Oct is going to be insane....

Oct 9th   ADF Clergy Retreat  (Francesca and Crystal will probably also be going.)
Oct 16th  Winternights  (Crystal will probably be going)

Dec 4th   MG retreat in Toledo (Crystal will probably be going)

Sigh.....busy, busy, busy

I'm just going to post up all the dates we're currently scheduled to run WWTOO and then we'll go from there, since I'm not sure what might need to be filled or cancelled (like WWTOO on Christmas). I will delete the WWTOO on the calendar for the days after our High Rites this evening.

June 12
June 19

July 3
July 10
July 17
July 24
July 31

August 14
August 21
August 28

September 4
September 11
September 18

October 2
October 9
October 16
October 23
October 30

November 13
November 20
November 27

December 4
December 11
December 25
Yup, I'll be the Druid in Charge that day. I got the WWTOO script printed out. I'm not sure what else needs to be done that day, but we'll wing it.  ;D
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 WWtOO Sign up Sheet
« Last post by carynml on May 19, 2016, 03:10:20 PM »
Let's see, you said you would open Memorial Day Weekend and lead WWtOOs?
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 Huzzah list
« Last post by carynml on May 16, 2016, 11:31:36 AM »
Huzzah to Jim for mowing the grass yesterday even though he was upset and worried about his niece.  Huzzah tot he folk for making offering for the safe return of said niece.  Huzzah to all the folk who showed for the in-person witan meeting yesterday, we had a quoram for the 1st time in forever, WooHoo!
Hail the Folk who stayed afterwards to help clean up!
Hail the folk, hail CedarLight!
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 Huzzah list
« Last post by dragonfaerie on May 15, 2016, 08:27:25 AM »
A general huzzah to all the folks who always step up to do the little dirty jobs that need to get done... washing stray dishes, picking up the messes at the end of an event, lighting the candles (and making sure they're out when we're ready to leave). The sorts of small jobs that are always called out when they aren't done, but are rarely noticed when things are running smoothly.

So huzzah to the house elves!  ;D
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 High Rites
« Last post by dragonfaerie on May 15, 2016, 08:12:35 AM »
Ooh, Imbolc ritual is on my birthday next year.  ;D
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 Huzzah list
« Last post by carynml on May 12, 2016, 07:47:40 PM »
Hail to John and Jess for a wonderful Greek Beltane high rite.  Even when one of his FWs didn't show, John made everything happen anyway.
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 High Rites
« Last post by carynml on May 12, 2016, 07:34:53 PM »
Bumping this so it can be found.
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