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Do we have any weekends we need covered? I can put that on the agenda for the meeting on the 15th.
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 WWtOO Sign up Sheet
« Last post by carynml on April 27, 2016, 07:57:40 PM »
Do we have to be trained priests and priestesses?  I'd certainly like to get into more high rite planning and I think you're right leading a WWtOO would be great practice for running ritual. 

If it's open for others I'd like to volunteer for a few Sundays.

No Marci you don't.  I see WWtOO as good training time for anyone who is interested in running a ritual.  For that matter, I would like to see all our chief liturgists running more Sunday rites.  It's a great place to test out new ideas. 
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Witan Meeting 4/26/16
« Last post by carynml on April 26, 2016, 07:02:32 PM »
Sorry for the late notice but tonight's witan meeting has been cancelled due to allergies and sinus headaches. We really didn't have much to cover that we can't cover on the forum. Sorry for any inconvenience.

CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 WWtOO Sign up Sheet
« Last post by Moira_Dee on March 27, 2016, 06:22:34 PM »
Do we have to be trained priests and priestesses?  I'd certainly like to get into more high rite planning and I think you're right leading a WWtOO would be great practice for running ritual. 

If it's open for others I'd like to volunteer for a few Sundays. 
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 Huzzah list
« Last post by Moira_Dee on March 27, 2016, 02:55:32 PM »
Hail to Eric S., John and Jess W., Fransesca, and Caryn for a fantastic Ostara Highrite!  What a powerful ritual it was. 

Fire and Ice for the win!  :giggle:
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Getting ready for Ostara
« Last post by carynml on March 18, 2016, 10:31:10 AM »
I will be at the grove this afternoon working in the gardens. Frank, Eric, and maybe John will be there after work to continue work on the crafts we are doing and to help me get the deer statue out of the van. ANY help on this one would be GREATLY appreciated.  Will was supposed to be there but he is in ME for a death in the family. Pleeeease come help!
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: Parking at the Grove
« Last post by carynml on March 18, 2016, 10:27:49 AM »
A note about parking this coming Saturday, Ostara.

Our neighbors, the house on the corner to our right if facing CLG, had some work done on two drainage pipes leading from their house to the street. This is temporary but right now, if a car runs over these they are plastic and will crush. There will be cones in the street to let folks know not to park there. Please do not move the cones. You could be liable for any damage done however unintentional. Our neighbor came over today to make sure we knew.

CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: 2016 Huzzah list
« Last post by carynml on February 24, 2016, 11:25:02 AM »
Let me shout out a big GINORMOUS Hussah to our treasurer Sue.  Not only has she re-created our financial system in Quickbooks but she also purchased Quicken so that we could migrate our MS Money accounts into Quicken and then into Quickbooks.
Holy Moly Sue!   Thank You is just not enough to say

WooHoo! Hail Sue!
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Snowmaggedon
« Last post by carynml on January 21, 2016, 04:48:24 PM »
Greetings to the folk!
 As we all sit pondering snowmaggedon, here is the scoop on Grove events for Sunday. If we get the snow everyone is predicting, expect Sunday events to be cancelled. Edna Ave is a tertiary street which means it will plowed sometime next week...maybe. Our advice is, if there is snow, expect Edna Ave to be an icy mess so stay home and stay safe!
 Be warm, be safe, and don't take chances and until we meet again, may the gods hold you in their hands.
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / 2016 High Rites
« Last post by carynml on January 18, 2016, 01:20:23 PM »
Hello All, here is the list of 2016 HR dates from the meeting yesterday.

Ostara:  Mar 19:   Eric S. + clergy:  Norse
Beltane:  May 7:   John W + Caryn M:  Greek  (Note this is a change)
Midsummer: June 25:  Francesca:  Slavic
Lughnasadh: Aug 6:  Caryn:  Celtic
Fall Equinox:  Sep 24:  Francesca:  Slavic
Samhain:  Nov 5:   Debbie B. and Caryn M.
Yule:  Dec 15:    Crystal:  Anglo Saxon
Imbolc:  Feb 2:  Dannielle C. and Caryn M.:  Celtic
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