I was very proud of CedarLight yesterday for stepping up to make the day happen despite unfortunate circumstances. Some people even stopped by to help clean even though they weren't coming to ritual, because they wanted to help out in honor of Will.
Thanks to the following people for helping out yesterday:
Kat for helping to deep clean the Grove.
Crystal for helping to deep clean the Grove and high rite clean up
Ashley for helping to deep clean the Grove AND for high rite clean up
Jim for coming over to mow the lawn
Jack for helping with mowing the lawn
Matt for washing TONS of dishes that were dusty from the construction
Chelsea for cooking tons of food on the grill
Jeff for helping clean up after the high rite
Taryn for helping clean up after the high rite
Renee and Gavin for coming to put on the high rite despite feeling sick
And another mention for Ashley, Taryn, Jeff, and myself for staying late to make sure everything was in order, we didn't get out of there till 1:30am (and subsequently that means I didn't get home till 3am).
Another huzzah to Kat who will be doing WWTOO today since I am just now getting up after going to bed at 3:30.