Hello All,
Most folks are aware of the need to physically clean any space that one habitates for any length of time but is everyone aware of how important it is to Magically clean a space that one is doing any kind of magical or energy work...or any place that magical folks (folks who regularly do various kinds of magical or energy work) hang out frequently is. Magical folks( see above) and magical/energy work attracts both positive and negative (vibrations, energy, spirits, deities, ...and those who would use such things for their own intentions) So just as it is very important to keep a space physically clean for health reasons and for positive energy to even be able to move. It is equally if not more important to magically clean out any kind of negative energy pockets/entities that might be hanging around. If left unattended, they can build up and leave the people inside feeling drained, heavy, foggy headed, etc.
So Holly, Connie, Caryn, and others started the physical portion of this in the grove space on Sunday. There is still much to be done just on the physical level. The candles from the highrite have not yet been put up, many have melted sidways and will have to be repoured. The grill and the food that was left on it were a little fragrant 1 week later. But that needs to be cleaned and put away.
The front porch and entryway needs to be cleaned, swept, and mopped.
The rugs need to be steam cleaned and when dried, they need to be swept and mopped underneath and then new protection herbs laid down.
We need to have some bowls of camphor & water around all the time. We did clean several of the alters by washing all the items in sea salt water.
Anyway, I would love to hear some other ideas about protection and cleansing magic AND I would love to see a couple of folks on Thursday night who are willing to help out. Knowing how to magically cleanse a house is very important for each of us to know how and when to do. Hope to see you there!