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Environmental Community Service / Re: Cemetery Cleanup for the dead
« Last post by EricGernat on December 13, 2017, 01:52:36 PM »
Sorry I wasn't at the Grove last Sunday. I did go to the cemetery cleanup on Saturday though. It only took an hour with the other volunteers from the community. A good experience and everyone was friendly and well organized! I'd definitely do it again, schedule permitting.
Environmental Community Service / Research survey of environmental attitudes
« Last post by EricGernat on December 13, 2017, 01:50:24 PM »
This was shared on the ADF Facebook. Consider participating:

ACADEMIC SURVEY OF HEATHENS re: environmental values

Please share with Heathens and Pagans.

Calling all Pagan and Heathen practitioners. Barbara Jane Davy is surveying Heathens and Pagans on environmental values. To take this 20 minute survey, follow this link:

The survey goes live today, Wednesday December 13, 2017, and will be open until enough responses are collected, somewhere between two days and two weeks. Please share widely with Heathen and Pagan practitioners internationally.

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee (ORE#22450). If you have questions for the committee, contact the Chief Ethics Officer, Office of Research Ethics, at 1-519-888-4567 ext. 36005 or

If you have any questions regarding this study, or would like additional information to assist you in reaching a decision about participation, please contact Barbara Jane Davy at or 226-581-3821, or Stephen Quilley at or 519-888-4567, ext. 38335.

(via Barb Davy)
Environmental Community Service / Re: Cemetery Cleanup for the dead
« Last post by carynml on December 05, 2017, 02:55:07 PM »
Hi Everyone,
Eric G is taking the lead on this as Will and I will be attending a memorial service on Saturday.
Don'd forget to bring a pair of work gloves and maybe a rake or a small pair of pruners.

Environmental Community Service / Cemetery Cleanup for the dead
« Last post by carynml on October 23, 2017, 10:55:13 AM »
Rob Walshe let me know that there will be another cemetery cleanup this year on Dec 9th at 9AM.  These usually don't last but a couple of hours.  The cemetery is not far from CedarLight and in the Hamilton area.  `

 It's an old abandoned cemetery a few blocks south of the grove at 3821 Forrester Ave, Baltimore MD 21206.  It was a private cemetery used by the farming families that owned the land back in the 19th and early 20th century.  The local community gets together about once a year to clean it up and CedarLight has helped out in this in the past a number of times.

The months of November (Samhain) and December (Yule) both have all kinds of associations to the dead and are thus quite an appropriate time to be doing a little service for them. 

Please let me know who might be interested so I can coordinate. 
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: General grove information
« Last post by carynml on October 18, 2017, 10:32:50 AM »
Great idea Karen, let's make it happen!
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: CLG Huzzahs 2017
« Last post by Francesca on October 10, 2017, 08:57:20 AM »
OMGs we forgot to create a new one.
Hail All Ya'll about 500 times so far this year.
Hail the Folk!   Hail CedarLight!
The omens are proof that we must be doing something right!

Hail the folk !
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / Re: General grove information
« Last post by dragonfaerie on October 03, 2017, 08:11:43 PM »
Dark roast coffee has less caffeine in it than other roasts. This is why breakfast blends are always a blond roast. I'm happy to bring dark roasts up as they are my favorite type of coffee.

Perhaps we can schedule in one housekeeping session and one yardwork session per quarter? Or a general "work day" once a month on a day we don't have workshops already scheduled, and we can split up both those areas? I'll fully admit that I'm a terrible housekeeper, but my grandmother did teach me how to vacuum and wash windows.
CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / CLG Huzzahs 2017
« Last post by carynml on September 25, 2017, 02:03:05 PM »
OMGs we forgot to create a new one.
Hail All Ya'll about 500 times so far this year.
Hail the Folk!
Hail CedarLight!
The omens are proof that we must be doing something right!

CedarLight Announcements and CedarLight Events / General grove information
« Last post by carynml on September 24, 2017, 01:09:23 PM »
Creating a list of general information for members.  Please feel free to add to the list.

The CLG Events Calendar
You can link your gmail calendar with CedarLight's calendar and our events will show up in your calendar. This is very handy if you have a tight schedule like some of us. You go to your gmail calendar and on the left side about 1/2 way down your will see, "Add a friend's calendar." Click that and type Once linked, you have to make sure it's clicked so that it will show up.

The High Rite Attendance Book
We are required by ADF to provide the number of folks attending our HRs in our quarterly reports.  In that respect, it does not matter what name is in the book.  However, if you are a member and interested in keeping your voting status up to date, it is in your best interest to write a name that the Member Coordinator is going to be able to recognize.

Grove Needs
Items that commonly need to be restocked are the same as in any home:  tall kitchen bags, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, zip lock bags (quart and gallon for leftovers to take home), crock pot liners (these make cleanups soooo much easier), sodas (I can’t buy all of them), coffee (apparently the dark roast is easier on the stomach), coffee creamer, sugar, honey, tea (esp if you have a favorite), hot coco, white vinegar (for cleaning), dish detergent, etc.

Things we continuously need help with
House cleaning:  bathrooms, kitchens, windows (Baltimore has a lot of dirt and dust in the air sometimes), porches, pavilion, sweeping, moping, vacuuming, the basement (oh gods the basement)…. Seriously, one or two people just can’t do it all.

Gardens & Yards:  Weeding and tending.  Our gardens need a lot of supervision or they will run quite wild on us.  Please help!   Folks to help mow and weed whack in the summer is also really helpful.  We can’t expect our Grove Warden to do everything, it’s just too much for any one person.

I'm sure there is more.  Thoughts?
Environmental Community Service / September 2017 Community Service Opportunities
« Last post by esingletary on August 13, 2017, 09:26:21 AM »
September 2, 2017 (11:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Invasive Plant Removal at Greenbelt Park.  Help remove invasive plants from the park each first Saturday of the month.  Overview:  Help remove invasive plants from the park each first Saturday of the month. This partnership with the University of Maryland involves identifying and removing different invasive plants in the park. Thanks to the efforts of volunteers and the University of Maryland students, Greenbelt Park is preserving the park for future generations. It is not a difficult or dangerous task. Please bring insect and/or tick repellant. Meet at the Sweetgum picnic area. 301-344-3944. location:  Greenbelt National Park 6565 Greenbelt Rd Greenbelt, MD 20770

September 1, 2017 (10 AM – 2 PM)
Set Up for Fall Bread and Cheese Creek Cleanup: (2408 Plainfield Road, Dundalk). Help us set up for the cleanup this beautiful historic stream as part of the International Ocean Conservancy's IC Cleanup Event! For more information or call 410-285-1202 or email

September 2, 2017 (8 AM – 2 PM)
Fall Bread and Cheese Creek Cleanup: (2408 Plainfield Road, Dundalk). Help us cleanup this beautiful historic stream as part of the International Ocean Conservancy's IC Cleanup! Visit our Facebook event HERE for more information or call 410-285-1202 or email

September 3, 2017 (1:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Oxon Cove Sunday Shoreline Sweep-up.  Every first Sunday of the month, join Ranger Steph and your fellow park-lovers to help clean up the trash that finds its way onto the banks of Oxon Cove. Overview:   Every first Sunday of the month, join Ranger Steph and your fellow park-lovers to help clean up the trash that finds its way onto the banks of Oxon Cove.  Spend your afternoon in the fresh air, getting some exercise and making a visible difference.  Earn service hours needed for your organization.  Wear old clothes and shoes that you don't mind getting wet and muddy.  Work gloves provided.  Come alone or bring a group.  Meet in the parking lot.  This event is canceled if weather is inclement.  Location:  Oxon Cove Park & Oxon Hill Farm, 6411 Oxon Hill Rd. Oxon Hill, MD 20745.  (301) 839-0503.

Wednesdays, September 13 and 20, 2017 (4:30pm – 6:00pm)
Monarch Tagging: Join Pickering Creek Audubon Center naturalists for Monarch butterfly tagging on two dates in September. Witness the incredible migration of the monarch while exploring the trails on the 410-acre wildlife sanctuary. Participate in the University of Kansas’s widespread Monarch Watch tagging program and learn how to protect monarch habitat in your backyard or community! Register by calling 410-822-4903.

September 30, 2017 (9 AM – 2 PM)
Fall Bear Creek Cleanup: (Bear Creek Park near pumping station, Dundalk). Help us cleanup this beautiful historic stream as part of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay's Annual Project Clean Stream Event! Visit our Facebook event HERE for more information or call 410-285-1202 or email

Saturday, September 30, 2017, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm  
Fort McHenry Field Day.  Celebrate National Public Lands Day with the National Aquarium Conservation Team at Fort McHenry. We need your help to remove debris from the marsh and enhance the area with beneficial native plant gardens. Cleanup data will contribute to the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup.  Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine.  2400 E. Fort Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21230.
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