« Last post by carynml on January 11, 2016, 02:26:01 PM »
It's a new year, time for a new list. If you notice something we need, please either tell a witan member, post it on here, or you could just take it upon yourself to donate it. It all works, that's called teamwork!
Tall kitchen bags
Clear recycling bags
Toilet paper (always)
Cleaning wipes
Toilet bowl cleaner
Dishwashing soap
Hand soap
Paper Towels
Incense (look up intense incense.com er something like that. They do handmade incense fir $8/100. )
It's getting cold...hot coco and spiced cider in the packets?
Tealights (always)
Birdseed (always)
Grass seed for shady areas (always)
(Shredded mulch) (almost always needed)
Sodas...If you want them, you need to bring them. I only buy them sparingly (Caryn)
What have I missed?