We come to the Well, and the Fire, and the Tree

Providing Druid Fellowship and Services
to Baltimore City and Beyond

Who We Are

We are CedarLight Grove, a church of Ár nDraíocht Féin, A Druid Fellowship. We hold weekly services and seasonal High Rites to honor the Earth and Her Kindred,  support charitable, educational, and community service projects, and provide a religious home to those who wish to walk with the Old Ones.

 Our beliefs and practices are based upon those of the ancient Indo-Europeans. We seek to ensure that a love for the Old Ways, as expressed in a comprehensive and inclusive polytheistic faith, is accessible and relevant to modern people.

We dedicate ourselves to create and maintain a safe, supportive, and tolerant religious community within which we may practice, study, and discuss Earth-based spiritual traditions. We strive to guard and serve the Earth, Her ecosystems, and to walk lightly upon Her.

Latest News and events

Latest from the Grove

Fall 2024

Sunday morning potlucks and offering rite every Sunday except after a High Day. 10:00 AM doors open. Sep 21st: Serapia …

Summertime events 2024

6/20 @ 7pm: Journey to meet the deities of Midsummer. 6/22 Midsummer high day, see link on this page/ 6/27 …

Upcoming events through May ’24

Mar 23:  Lygė – A Baltic Spring High Rite Apr 13:  Biddesson Cemetery Cleanup, CLG contributed to the community and …

Upcoming Events

January 21st, 2024  Our annual business meeting to set the course for the year.  We encourage all members to attend …

Upcoming Events


Please join us 26 October 2024 to honor our ancestors - those we have lost - named and unnamed. Please check out our HR page at: https://cedarlightgrove.org/about-us/our-holidays/samhain-high-rite/ We hope to see you there!

Our Current Charity Initiatives

American Forests

We strive to walk gently upon Earth and to restore and maintain the ecosystems the Kindred of Earth need and love. CedarLight supports American Forests in their mission to conserve and restore our forests..

Cemetery Cleanups

Twice a year, CedarLight members join the local community and Scouts to clean and maintain a local forgotten family cemetery. Service to the community, service to the Ancestors.

American Chestnut Foundation

Four billion American chestnut trees were once found from Canada to Florida. It was one of the most important forest trees in the Eastern U.S. and considered the finest chestnut tree in the world. Brought to the brink of extinction by a non-native blight, CedarLight supports the American Chestnut Foundation's mission to restore the once-iconic American chestnut to our forests.

Oyster Recovery Partnership

Oyster recovery is key Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts. One adult oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day and feeds on harmful algae! CedarLight supports the Oyster Recovery efforts in the Chesapeake Bay to purify our waters.

As of June 1, 2024 our grove has raised $$$$ for the following:

  • 5807 trees planted to green our Earth
  • 383,000 baby oysters seeded to purify the waters of the Chesapeake
  • $1,760.00 raised to restore the American Chestnut.
  • $475.00 raised of Action Aid USA for their work helping to feed the people of Ukraine.
  • $750.00 raised for the Assateague Island Alliance in honor of the Mari Lwyd & Epona .
  • $100.00 raised for the MD Food Bank
  • $260.00 raised for Passport Animal Rescue for helping the 2 abandoned kitties that showed up on the porch of our grove.
  • $164.00 for Blue Check Ukraine a Ukrainian based charity.

Assateague Island Alliance

Assateague Island Alliance partners with the Assateague Island National Seashore to promote the awareness and protection of the island’s wildlife and natural resources for the enjoyment of current and future generations.

Blue Check Ukraine

BlueCheck Ukraine identifies, vets, and fast-tracks urgent financial support to Ukrainian NGOs and aid initiatives providing life-saving and other critical humanitarian work on the front lines of Russia’s war on Ukraine. They have the proximity, local knowledge and access to assist those in desperate need. But they need help.

We call out to the folk to help us in our endeavors. When at CedarLight, there are a donation cans near the entrance clearly marked for each charity. Or, donate through PayPal: cedarlightgrove@gmail.com.  Please note which charity you wish to support.

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