Who we are and What We Do

Who we are

ADF’s Vision

We see a world where the Gods and Spirits are served in the modern world through:

  • Public worship with a skilled priesthood
  • Accessible religious training for all
  • A spiritual relationship with the Earth
  • Sustainable Pagan institutions
  • A flourishing family and community of Pagan culture


  • Openness to people of all ethnicities and backgrounds
  • The commonality of polytheistic ritual practice, manifested through our Core Order of Ritual
  • Honoring the Earth Mother
  • Scholarship and research
  • Reciprocity with the Gods and Spirits
  • Respect for others through living our virtues
  • Service to the community, land, and the Gods and Spirits

CedarLight's place in ADF

As a part of Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF), we adhere to the vision and values above. However, each grove is unique – we make our own decisions regarding membership, High Rites, events, and charitable activities. CedarLight is an eclectic grove, meaning we celebrate High Rites of various Indo-European hearth cultures, including: Irish, Norse, Welsh, Anglo-Saxon, Slavic, and Greek. Our Grove patron is Tailtiu, the ancient Irish goddess of the land.

What we do

Our Traditions

CedarLight Grove, a church in the community of Natural Religions, is a non-profit corporation registered with the IRS and the State of Maryland. We serve the Baltimore and Southern PA area, and invite all to share with us in celebrating the natural diversity of religious experience and expression.

We are the local Baltimore grove of Ãr nDraíocht Fein. Our grove was provisionally chartered in May of 1991. We encourage all CedarLight members to join ADF and to complete the ADF Dedicant Program.

We have regular meetings at CedarLight Center. Most meetings are open events and include discussions of various topics of mutual interest and concern.

We also gather to celebrate the old holidays at the solar and cross quarter days. All of our celebrations are free and open to the public. 

CedarLight Center is the only pagan church in Maryland and is supported with membership dues and donations. CedarLight Center was purchased in 1996 with the generous contributions of our founding members. Without all its members’ contributions CedarLight Center would not be the wonderful place it is today. Drop your dead presidents into Dagda’s Cauldron and watch them be reborn.

– Wheel of Year/holidays

– I-E/not jealous gods

– WWtOO/8x HRs
