

I’ve imported a new CMS (Content Management System) for the website, so there may be some dead links while I get everything moved over to this more efficient system. You’ll also notice a new search function on the right. It needs some formatting, but it will filter through any updates or pages archived here. We …

New CMS Read More »

Lughnasadh Pictures

Pictures from our Lughnasadh rite are now up and posted to our gallery. There are quite a few this time, and I didn’t reduce file size due to picture quality. If anyone else has any pictures they took and would like displayed in the gallery, please let me know. If anyone would like prints of …

Lughnasadh Pictures Read More »

In the Press

I stumbled across an old news article in the City Paper featuring CedarLight Grove. It’s from 1998 and you can view it here There are other pockets of paganism throughout the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area. The eight points on the pagan wheel of the year are celebrated at CedarLight Grove Center in Hampden


The Witan has agreed to put a hold on all library book donations until the library is moved into the healing room. We will make an announcement when we are accepting book donations again.

Huzzah to CedarLight Grove, ADF

At this years Wellspring National ADF Meeting, CedarLight Grove was presented with one of the first “Founder’s Awards” for exceptional public service in 2005 due to our contributions after Hurricane Katrina. You can see an announcement on the founder of ADF’s blog, Isaac Bonewits. Huzzah to all of CedarLight.

Beltane 2006

I have uploaded Videos and Pictures of this years Beltane ritual at CedarLight Grove. If anyone else has any pictures to share, feel free to email them to me. In addition, I will hopefully be taking pictures/video of the Beltane ritual at Highland Farms/Crann Bethadh next weekend.

Trillium 2006

I have posted Videos and Pictures of Trillium 2006. If anyone else was able to take any pictures, please let me know so I can link those as well.


Several Grove members will be attending the Trillium ADF festival this weekend. You can see pictures from last years Trillum Festival as well as a few Videos. There may still be a Rites of Caffiena on Sunday, we will keep you posted.
