
Upcoming events at Cedarlight Grove

7/16 Regular Sunday morning events 1pm Lughnasadh planning followed by a journey to meet the deities 7/23 Regular Sunday morning events 2 pm Ogham Series Workshop 7/30 Regular Sunday morning events 1pm Final HR planning followed by Herb Workshop 8/5 Lughnasadh High Rite 8/6 No Sunday events the day after a HR

Upcoming Events in June

Sunday Jun 11th: Morning potluck brunch. Afternoon Midsummer planning and Ogham workshop #5 Sunday Jun 18: Final Ritual Planning and prep for the HighRite. Saturday Jun 24: Midsummer Ritual see event page for times. We will probably be having a cookout in the late afternoon with a later rite and desserts after the rite. Sunday …

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Upcoming Events

February at CedarLight Feb 4th Imbolc High Rite Doors open to public at 3PM Ritual at 5PM Pot Luck Feast to follow please bring a dish to pass. See for more details. Feb 5th Private event at grove for members Feb 12th Imbolc omen discussion and start of Ostara planning. Change of seasonal altar. …

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Yule Planning & Witan Meeting this Sunday!

CedarLight Grove will be having our monthly Witan Meeting this Sunday after Walk with the Old Ones. All are welcome to attend. We are also starting our Yule Planning with Hallowed Ground ProtoGrove, so don’t hesitate to provide input and feedback as we go along.
