Site Updates

Web related updates only

Website Layout

I will be updating the website layout soon with a more secure and user friendly site. This will hopefully also help take care of the worm infestations we’ve been experiencing with the site.

Forum Issues

The forum issues have been resolved. If you experience any pop-ups or problems while visiting the site, please email me at: crystal[at]

Forum Down

The forum template will be down till I get home from work. I will go ahead and upload the default template to use until then.

New Pictures

I’ve uploaded TONS of new pictures to the gallery. I have quite a backup apparently. I will be working on getting the rest up as I can.

Latest Posts

I’ve added a feature to the bottom right, which lists the last 20 posts updated/posted on, on the forum. This should hopefully help prevent people from missing posts that get buried under other posts.

Mabon and Samhain 2004 Galleries

I’ve uploaded pictures from the past Mabon 2004 and Samhain 2004 high rites. I don’t know if anyone took any Yule 2004 or Imbolc 2005 pictures, so if you have any, please e-mail them to me. I’ll be working on more site updates this weekend.

Yule Info

I’ve posted the Yule information for this years upcoming Yule ritual at CedarLight Grove. I will update as more information is provided.

New Poll

I’ve put up a new poll on the right, donated by Kessa, based on why you attend CedarLights High Rites. Please participate 🙂
