CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Harvest Home Rite

This year’s Harvest Home Rite ritual will be September 22rd, 2018 at CedarLight Center.
3:00 PM: Doors open to the public
5:00 PM: Pre-ritual briefing
6:00 PM:  Harvest Home ritual

CedarLight is collecting Letters to the Grandchildren, a collection of letters into the future that we plan to compile and publish.  One of our big offerings this rite will be print copies of this rite’s letters which is Community and how it builds Spirituality.
Please bring a letter to add and send an electronic copy to:

Please arrive no later than 4pm so that you will have plenty of time to fill out  SHOUT OUT cards for your fellow members to show your appreciation of the work they have done this past year.
All High Rites are open to the public, so feel free to bring a friend 🙂
