Yesterday around 8am EDT, the founder of ADF Isaac Bonewits passed peacefully in his sleep. ADF has placed a memorial to Isaac on their website.
CedarLight Grove, ADF is very saddened by this news, as Isaac was very involved in our region for many years, specifically the Free Spirit Gathering and blessing the first stone at Four Quarters.
We will be holding a memorial ritual for Isaac for those in the area that wish to honor all of the great work he did for the neo-pagan community, especially here in the mid-atlantic.
We will post an announcement here on a date and location (as it will likely not be done at CedarLight Center due to size). If you would like to receive an email announcement when this has been decided, please sign up for our forum and it will automatically add you to our e-announcement list.
I am also saddened by the news. Isaac was a flamboyant, outgoing character with tremendous intuitive and academic insight on spiritual self-exploration and the evolution of contemporary paganism. I met Isaac only on several occasions and found him engaging, affable, and of refreshingly good cheer. If I were to owe a debt to Isaac it would be for his founding of Ar’n Draiocht Fein, a druidic family for which I am proud to be a member. I’ve met quite a few special friends there…including Isaac.
Today, having passed to realm to the Ancestors and Shining ones, Isaac now possesses a special wisdom none of us do. I bid thee peace, Isaac. We will meet again.