CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Isaac’s Birthday Fundraiser

This is week 3 of Isaac’s Birthday Fundraiser
If you make a donation to CedarLight in the name of this fundraiser, it will be matched and the lot donated in the name of the grove. You can donate to CedarLight through Paypal at
Just make sure you note the fundraiser in the notes.

Issac is thirsty!
Welcome to week three of the Land Fund Campaign in honor of our founder Issac Bonewits!
Samhain is right around the corner, lets toast our founder with a beverage. Belly up to the bar and buy Issac a beer, or a shot of his favorite single malt!

Want to buy a round? All who give $50 or more to this worthy cause will receive a bright and shiny commemorative Isaac’s Birthday laminated card with a photo of our founder and words of wisdom to celebrate the occasion.
In addition, those who contribute $50 or more will also get a copy of last year’s commemorative card. This is a perfect addition to anyone’s ritual space.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will directly support the ADF Land Fund, a fund established to help ADF secure its own land for learning, gathering,celebrating, for the Earth Mother and more!

Make a Donation www.adf.org
Help ADF Honor Isaac’s Birthday by Furthering His Vision!
