July-Aug Events

CedarLight is committed to supporting Earth: the land, the sea, and the sky; the air, the earth, and the water.
As of last month:  we have planted 2138 trees since we started our fundraiser in 2016 and so far this year  we have raised $309.00 to seed oysters in the Chesapeake Bay.  A single adult oyster can filter 50 gallons of water/day.  One bushel of recycled oyster shells can produce 6000 baby oysters.
$1 goes a very long way in this!

Jul 1:   Regular Sunday morning events.  Afternoon discussion on the omen from Midsummer

Jul 8:  Regular Sunday morning events.  Afternoon discussion on the 1st and 2nd Battle of Moytura, how those stories teach us about Tailtue and Lugh and how Tailtue influenced the creation of CedarLight Center.

Jul 15:  Regular Sunday morning events.  Afternoon guided pathworking to meet the deities of Lughnasadh and later some preliminary work on assigning parts.

Jul 22:  Regular Sunday morning events.  Afternoon workshop in our rune series.

Jul 29:  Regular Sunday morning events.  Afternoon, final High Day planning and preparation at the grove.

Aug 4:  Lughnasadh High Day festival:  Doors open to the public at 3pm with cookout and possible bardic  circle before the rite.
Aug 5:  No events the day after a rite (We’re tired!)

Aug 12:  Omen discussion and preliminary planning for Harvest Home.
