Rev. Crystal Groves

Board of Trustee, Clergy & Webmaster

Who is Crystal

Crystal has been a non-stop member of CedarLight Grove since Samhain 2002. She was ordained as Clergy in ADF at Trillium in 2010 and despite having started a ProtoGrove in Gettysburg for a time, has always maintained her membership with CedarLight to support its growth and community.

Crystal served in almost every Witan position at CedarLight and some non-Witan positions.

  • Secretary from 2004 – 2007
  • Senior Druid from 2007 -2011
  • Clergy from 2010 – Present
  • Pursewarden from 2012 – 2015
  • Board of Trustee from 2016 – Present

Some of Crystal’s accomplishments at CLG:

  • Created the first membership manual
  • Updated bylaws to require membership requirements for the first time and have them displayed publicly for the first time to promote transparency
  • Established voting regulations and timelines for the first time at CLG
  • Was Senior Druid during the time when CLG was able to buy their land
  • Organized the first annual meetings and regular charity events at high rites
  • Established many of the policies and procedures that are now known or upgraded by recent Witan superstars
  • Helped establish the Library system
  • Created the first archive of all past meeting minutes and protocols for the new Witan positions.
  • Established the first web presence of CLG that made the Grove independent for updates