CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Upcoming Events at CedarLight


9/1 Sunday:  Regular morning events, doors open at 10 AM.  Afternoon, Grove work to move the wood pile and clean up the area in preparation for building a firewood shelter.
9/8 Sunday:  Regular morning events, doors open at 10 AM.
Afternoon: Creating native bee habitat in your backyard.
9/14 Saturday:  Possible road trip to the Frederick Pagan Pride Day event. 
9/15 Sunday:  Regular morning events, doors open at 10 AM.
Morning and Afternoon: Operation build a firewood shelter.  Ya’ll Come!
9/19 Thursday:  7PM  Healing Rite for the Earth
9/22 Sunday:   Regular morning events, doors open at 10 AM.  Afternoon, Final prep and cleanup for Harvest Home
9/26 Thursday:  7PM  Journey to meet the deities of Harvest Home
9/28: Harvest Home HR and CLG Thanksgiving celebration. Doors open at 3 PM. See link on left sidebar.
9/29: Sunday:   No Events, we will be tired.

10/6 Sunday:  Regular morning events, doors open at 10 AM.  Afternoon, discuss the Harvest Home omen and preliminary discussion on Samhain.  
