CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Calendar Issue

Hi everyone,

I wanted to apologize for the calendar issue and for the poor folks that tried to come up today when we were ‘closed’. Somehow all of the Sundays have 2 Rites of Caffeina posted. When I edited the 2014 calendar a few weeks ago, the editing mode only shows one listing. So when I went to delete all the Rites of Caffeina and Walk With the Old Ones from the days after High Rites (since we don’t have service the Sundays after High Rites) it looked like they were gone.  (And it editing mode it still looks gone.) We will figure out the problem and get them deleted. I will also make sure to put reminders here and on Facebook the week of each High Rite to remind people that we are closed that Sunday. Sorry again and thanks for being patient while this new scribe learns the ropes.

