CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

CLG Mind+Body+Spirit Wellness Weekend


Welcome everyone to CLG’s FIRST annual Wellness Weekend!
We’ve assembled a gifted crew of healers, liturgists, instructors, seers, artists and craftspeople to bring you a WHOLE WEEKEND of healing for your mind, body and spirit. Workshops may be purchased for the a la carte price if you are unable to join us for a bulk of the weekend, OR you can pay the impressive flat rate of $100 per person to attend -every- workshop, plus a 20 minute Reiki Treatment and Reading. (Tarot, Bones, Ogham, Stones) We have some very special guests and long time friends joining us from different corners of Maryland to give you our healing A-game. Our healers and craftspeople are also going to be providing healing products; salts, reiki tools, ritual supplies, etc.
Here’s what’s on the schedule:
Friday August 8th 6pmOpening Prayer -Ashley Bryner
7pmShamanic Healing Ceremony— Caroline Kenner and Monika Lonely Coyote            -a la carte cost: $50-
Saturday August 9th
*** The Stone Circle will be a Quiet Spot for Meditation available All Day***
10amEssential Oils : Medicine Cabinet Makeover–  Colleen McCartney           -a la carte cost: $10-
12pm– LUNCH!
Starting at 1:30 pm:
Spiritual Art in the Sanctuary —Workshop and Practicum– Ashley Bryner      -a la carte cost: $20-
Reiki Healing (in Cedarlight Center)- Single or Group Practitioners (-a la carte cost: $30 per 30 mins $20 per 20 mins $10 per 10 mins-)
                      Reiki Practitioners: Debbie Brodeur, Taryn Lyon, Marci Holbrook, Scott Holbrook-Foust, Michael Hardy
Ogham/Tarot/Rock/Bone Readings (in Dun Elphame) Per reader– there will be sign up sheets! – A la carte cost ranging $5 to $30-
                      Seers:  Lynda England-Hardy, Amber Iwa’at Lyles, Scott Holbrook-Foust, John Weller, Jessica “Macha” Weller
5pm: DINNER! Potluck with some staples provided by Grove/members
6:30Pre Ritual Brief
7:00pm: ADF Healing Mini Ritual for the Earth : BRING DRUMS. 😀    -no cost-
10:00 to 11:00pmJourney to the Higher Self -Taryn Lyon  -a la carte cost $10-
11-Midnight -Close for the day.
Sunday, August 10th
10amRites of Caffeina (breakfast!)
11:30am- Walk With the Old Ones led by Marci Holbrook
1pmYoga with Blake Ketterer       -a la carte cost $10
4pmTaking a Practical Look at the Trees of the Ogham – Rev Caryn MacLuan
4-5:30pmWorkshop-Integrating All the New Information from the Weekend, with Art Exercise— Katie Weber  -a la carte cost $10-
6pm– Closing Prayer, cleanup.
Food Information:  All Meals are Potluck; Bring something to share and label it! CLG will be providing bottled water, munchies, and some entrees. There are people with food allergies among us, so labeling is important. We have two ovens to warm dishes if necessary, two refrigerators and a microwave. Sodas are available for 50 cents each.  
Workshop descriptions and Instructor bios: (More coming soon!)
August 8th: 
  • Shamanic Healing Ceremony by Caroline Kenner and Monika “Lonely Coyote” Leigh
Instructor Information: 
August 9th:
  • Essential Oils : Medicine Cabinet Makeover– by Colleen McCartney
 If you have ANY interest in natural health, you would want to attend this class! Learn how doTERRA  essential oils & wellness products have helped with MANY emotional and physical ailments. This will be an interactive workshop so you can experience the oils & there will be raffle prizes at the end.
  • Spiritual Art in the Sanctuary —Workshop and Practicum– Ashley Bryner

This workshop focuses on expression, the power of imbas, and slaying misconceptions about art and creativity. We will discuss the spiritual artistic process and establish a creative space with which to work using a blend of spiritual and mundane artistic tools. We will absolutely make mistakes, we will absolutely get our hands dirty, and you will absolutely learn something new about yourself.

  • Reiki

Reiki is a relaxing,  hands on- healing technique that utilizes the chakra system. We are blessed with many Reiki Healers at our Grove from a variety of backgrounds, levels and disciplines and will have three Reiki masters on hand, along with many who are well practiced Reiki II’s. We practice primarily Usui Reiki. If you are uncomfortable with touch, our healers will employ a hand-hover system that does not require anything different of you other than sit back, and relax. Our Grove also offers Reiki shares on the last Thursday of every month.

  • Earth Healing Ritual  –Ashley Bryner, Liturgist

This mini ritual will be performed in the ADF style, in which our primary prayer will focus on healing the Sacred Earth and her Spirits. Our offerings section will culminate in drumming, dancing, and fire. Attendees– please feel welcome to bring water from a water source that needs healing, or earth from an area that needs healing, or herbs or plants from an area which is dear to you. We will be gifting the earth with our energy, our prayers, and we will be returning these samples you bring to their source of origin, charged with the healing energy of the rite. Herbs may be burnt if desired, as gifts to the Gods. Please arrive before the pre-ritual brief to go over the ritual handout to understand how the offerings will work. Roughly: Round one: Presentation of Samples, Round Two: We will speak of the names of the places of Earth that need healing, and decorate our bodies in her image. Round three: Energy Raising/Drumming/Dancing. We will then take an Omen and perform a magical working to charge the samples.

  • Journey to the Self, by Taryn Lyon

Sometimes our best healing comes from the higher self;or the divine that resides within us. It takes a good deal of quiet introspection to be able to really look at ourselves and who we are; the light and the shadow and the areas between. We will journey to find this spark, the cosmic awesome part of ourselves, to help us understand what we must find for healing, and open our awareness to the part of us that is more deeply connected to all things. In plain English: it is an opportunity to quiet the mind and touch base with the cosmos in a personal way; to honor who you are.

August 10th:

  • Yoga – by Blake Ketterer

Yoga is for everyone! Whether you are able to wrap your leg around your neck or are more comfortable sitting quietly in a chair, yoga provides a physical practice for everyone, of every ability, with a common goal of connecting the mind, body, and spirit to become one with a higher power. No matter your religion, beliefs, or ideals, a yoga practice will aid in stress, tension, and anxiety relief; provide relief in back pain, sciatica, neck problems, and depression; reduce symptoms of many diseases such as thyroid disorders, arthritis and circulatory problems; increase the metabolism, thus breaking down unwanted glucose and fatty acids in the body; improve the digestive system; strengthen willpower, self control, concentration and determination; increase the elasticity of your muscular and connective tissue, thus allowing for greater flexibility with less chance of injury or improved resolution of injury; and improve your nervous system function so that messages are carried more efficiently to and from your brain. About the Instructor: Blake Ketterer is a Yoga Alliance registered instructor, certified in hot yoga, vinyasa, meditation, pranayama, anatomy & physiology, and yogic philosophy from the Yax Yoga Concepts Teacher Training at Hot House in Virginia Beach, VA. Blake is also a certified Pranassage® practitioner through Ann Hunt/Evolve Yoga + Wellness in California, MD and the Nosara Yoga Institute of Costa Rica, with an additional certification in Multi-dimensional Yoga Anatomy and Yoga Therapeutics. She teaches yoga full-time at a variety of locations across the southern Maryland, Annapolis, and the Baltimore areas. Her classes are multi-styled, inspired by Anusara, Ashtanga, Baptiste/Hot Power, Iyengar, Jivamukti, Prana Flow, and Rocket Yoga.

  • Taking a Practical Look at the Trees of the Ogham by Rev Caryn MacLuan

Attempting to understand the Celtic Ogham is a difficult task as there is only one primary source which is extremely limited in its information. There is also very little evidence that the Ogham was used in divination or magic which is important to remember when attempting to use it for these purposes. There are also many different kinds of oghams, the tree ogham, the bird ogham, etc. This leaves us in a difficult position when endeavoring to understand them. In this workshop, I propose to look at the practical source material of physical properties, medicinal properties and magical properties of the trees in the tree ogham to see what connections can be found that lead us back to and coincides with the material in the Scholar’s Primer. This workshop cannot cover all the letters due to time constraints but we will look at the process and some examples. About the Instructor: Rev Caryn MacLuan is a retired Coast Guard Chief Warrant Officer who has been a pagan for over 39 years, a member of ADF and a leader in CedarLight Grove for 15 years, the Chair of the Grove Coordinating Committee in ADF and an ADF Priest for much of that time. She is a Master Herbalist, Reiki Master and is currently working on a graduate certificate in herbal studies and the ADF clergy training program.

  • Integration Workshop with Art Exercise -by Katie Weber, LPC

This workshop is about integrating and reflecting on all of the healing and information we have learned this weekend, in gratitude. There will be an art component to this exercise. About the Instructor: Katie Weber, LPC, has a Master’s of Arts in Art Therapy and counseling, certified in eco-psychology, and has spent 6 years studying shamanism with  Q’ero, Lakota and Hopi medicine people.    More information will be added as it is received from instructors, healers, and readers! Stay tuned. 😀
