CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

June Events

June 5th: The Slavic Lore of the season, direction to take, and journey to meet
the Kindred. Led by Rev. Francesca Hedrick

June 12th: – Midsummer Ritual planning and more Slavic influences Led by
Rev. Francesca Hedrick
– Druidry in the 21st century; looking forward, over the horizon
Led by William Pierson, CLG founder

June 19th: Workshop on making mini wreaths for sacrifice, herbs to be blessed
and wreaths for wearing. (You will need to bring herbs or flowers to
put into your mini wreath.)
-Also final planning for the High Rite.
Led by Rev. Francesca Hedrick

June 25th: Ivan Kupala Day / Midsummer Ritual pre briefing 5:30, rite at 6.
Arrive by 4 if you have not made a wreath to sacrifice and would
like to.
June 26th: No Events the day after High Rite (we need rest too)
June 30th: Reiki share 7PM led by Rev Caryn MacLuan
