CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

October Events

October Events

Note: Thursday Lore Mtgs have been moved to Sunday from 1-4 PM due to gas prices and distances folks have to travel.

Oct 2: Ceremonial Arts: Samhain Prayers: introduce “prayer” as a focus for CLG ceremony, propose potential prayer for Samhain
Oct 9: Ceremonial Arts: Hermes’ Voice – ideas in spiritual knowing: developing a Samhain prayer “whence CLG’s lore”
Oct 13: Full Moon Rite: Gather at 7 PM
Oct 14-16: Drumming Campout at
Highland Farms
Oct 16: Ceremonial Arts: CLG Anthology – expanding CLG’s ceremonial vocabulary: writing, filching, reclaiming and other sources
Oct 23: Healing Arts: Healing Share – an opportunity to experience and to share energies such as Reiki, Shamanic, Mantras among others
Oct 29: Samhain Highrite at CedarLight Center gather at 4:30 PM
Oct 30: ADF Dedicant’s Study: A special focus on topics of interest to ADF Dedicant’s and others engaged formal study and practice of a Druid’s Arts
Nov 4-6: Samhain Campout at Highland Farm: drumming, workshops, ritual
Highland Farms
