CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Samhain Reflections

samhain08A great big thanks to the many people who attended our Samhain High Rite this evening. We raised good money for the Grove, for our charity event for Luna House, and met a lot of new people.

I hope all of our new friends made it home safely. If you’d like to keep in touch with CedarLight Grove, consider signing up for our forum. We send out our announcements through the forum, so if you sign up you should receive those emails.

Don’t forget we are still doing our non-perishable food drives for Thanksgiving -and- for Yule. Food recommendations are posted on the forum.

Next weekend will be our Einherjar Blot as well as workshop on creating homemade cough syrup. Details are on the forum 🙂

Look for more updates to come, we have many exciting things coming up.

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