CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Sheppard Pratt Clothing Drive

As most people know, we have been gathering clothes and underwear of all sizes and sexes for a clothing drive for Sheppard Pratt. Their patients have very little clothing of their own when they are brought in. The organization for the clothing drive was done by Rhi, who just gave us these figures:

“18 overflowing laundry baskets
3 large totes
2 hefty bags

Included in all of this was two totes of new, wrapped underwear, 2 hefty bags of winter coats, and an entire mini-van load (we had to take the back seat out!) of clothing in sizes from extra-small to 6X. Aside from pants and shirts, we did receive shorts, skirts, dresses and winter hats – all of which got passed along.

We ended up using three large carts from the materials handling department to move everything up the freight elevator.

The staff we worked with unloading and moving the clothing were all overwhelmingly gratified to see their clients remembered, especially since the client closets were effectively empty. We collected enough clothing to refill the closets on units B-1 (long term clients facing issues such as schizophrenia and psychosis); B-2 (the adult crisis stabilization unit) and B-3 (patients who have been dually diagnosed with both a mental illness such as depression or bipolar disease and a chemical dependency issue). Additionally, some clothing may be sent to the unit housing senior citizens.

Sheppard Pratt will be sending a letter to the Grove, care of Caryn, officially expressing their gratitude. In the interim, let me officially express my thanks to everyone who contributed by donating clothes, donating money, and/or donating time to help sort and carry. I move we all give ourselves a great big pat on the back!”

We have also been added to the Lady Liberty League website as one of the MANY pagan organizations that are doing charities. You may view the entire list here.

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