CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Topsy Turvy Fundraiser

How would YOU like a chance to help us plan our Winter Solstice High rite, even if you life far away? Well, now’s your chance!

We’re running an online fundraiser to help with the costs of maintaining our wonderful building and sanctuary. If you follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/cedarlightgrove, you seen the massive amounts of work and renovations we’ve put into the building this year. But groves do no grow on prayer and incense alone!

As we step into the holiday season, please consider donating! In return, you have a chance to receive  a copy of our very own “Druidic Arts” calendar put together by our amazing membership, as well as helping us plan our High Rite. If anything, it give you a chance to see us do some hilariously ridiculous things all in the name of serving the Kindred and our community!

For more details, check out our IndieGoGo campaign here:
