CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Triple Fundraiser Reminders

1. As of today, our NAMIWalks team has collected $605 out of its $1000 goal. If you can contribute to this worthy cause, please click on the links in the post below.

2. We really need more stepping stones before Midsummer, so that we don’t keep killing the baby grass in the sanctuary. The one supplier lead expired, but we plan to price out a new one and get the stones bought next week. Remember to label money put in the cauldron and/or through Paypal so we know what it is for.

3. We are also trying to raise money for at least one new picnic table ($100/ea.) for Thor’s Hollow Campground. See this thread for more details: https://www.cedarlightgrove.org/board/index.php?topic=5242.0
