CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Upcoming Events at CedarLight

Thursday, April 28: Reiki Share @ 7PM
Saturday, April 30: Yard and garden clean up and prep as an offering to the deities for Beltane. Pot luck food is welcome, we are hoping to grill some burgers and dogs.
Sunday, May 1: Finally planning for Beltane and teaching of songs.
Saturday, May 7: Guests may begin to arrive at 3:00pm, and we ask that you arrive no later than 4:30 pm for our Pre-Ritual Brief at 5 PM. The High Rite will start at 6 pm.

Future Events
Saturday June 25: Midsummer High Rite, Slavic
Saturday August 6: Lughnasadh High Rite, the Gathering of the Tribes
