
Patron Goddess: Tailtiue

(by Crystal Groves, posted in the July 2006 issue of CedarLight’s newsletter: Walk with the Old Ones) Though she is often kept in the shadows, Tailtiue, Goddess of the fruitful earth, is the patron Goddess of CedarLight Grove and has been for a long time.

Site Updates

I’m experimenting with Google calendar for our events calendar on the website. However it may currently be too bulky to display (and they don’t really let you customize it fully) so we may stay with the previous calendar script. I have also added a “Deity of the Day” feed on the right column, which will …

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Samhain Pictures

Samhain pictures are up and posted. Anyone else who took some pictures, please email them to me so I can add them to the gallery. Thanks to all who attended and helped honor the ancestors! A special thanks to Renee and Kat for helping to put the ritual together. Happy Samhain everyone 🙂

A Ritual Sample for Solitary Practitioners

A member of ADF, Ian Corrigan, and a few others in the Clergy Council created a video that depicts how one would do a simple solitary ritual (for those who are nervous to go to public ritual, or prefer to worship solitary). Click here to view the video (approximately 13 minutes, hosted on You Tube)
