CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland


Samhain High Rite

Our next rite will be all about honoring and helping the dead especially those who have lost their way. We will be calling on An Dagda and An Morrigan to help us in our endeavor to get them into the west. You can see the details in our link https://cedarlightgrove.org/about-us/our-holidays/samhain-high-rite/ or the link farther down …

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Loafmas Charity

This year for Loafmas, we will be donating the contents of Dagda’s Cauldron to ActionAid USA to support alleviating the global food crisis that has been exacerbated by the war in Ukraine (a.k.a. “Europe’s Bread Basket”). ActionAid USA is also providing emergency support and protection for Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Moldova, and Romania. For more …

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Imbolc High Rite

The posted times for the Imbolc Rite are as follows: 2:30 PM: Zoom room opens. 3:00 PM: Pre-ritual briefing. 4:00 PM: Imbolc Rite. Cost:  $10.00 suggested donation Please note that the previous times were in error.  Only the  ritual team will be present at CedarLight.  No one who is unvaccinated can attend in person. Very sorry …

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