Kay Donaldson
Kay Donaldson, elder and Senior Druid Emeritus of Mugwort Grove and long time member of ADF since July of 1994, has passed from this world during the dark moon on July 22nd 2009, and begins her journey into the next. Folks are saying that she has lost her battle to cancer, but I am inclined to say that she fought 20 long years against cancer, and won. It was just time for the battle to end.
Kay was little miss Crafty. I’ve never seen someone with such experienced skills in all forms of craft work and homemaking. She taught me how to weave baskets -and- wheat, and I am humbled to be able to carry two relics from those teachings in my home to always keep her memory with me.
The last ADF festival Kay ever attended was Trillium of 2006, where she offered a praise offering to the Gods during the closing ritual. I had just happened to film that particular moment, due to the music and the energy that was flowing in the ritual at that time. In a way, watching the video again now reminds me of Kay as happy, gentle, and with her ADF family. For those interested, you may view the last video ever made of Kay (that I am aware of).
There will be a memorial service and ritual to honor Kay’s life at CedarLight Grove on August 29th at 6pm (please arrive by 5pm). Folks are encouraged to bring memorabilia of Kay and offerings to celebrate her life (crafty creations would be excellent). Also please bring a dish to share after ritual (should serve 6-10) and a chair if you have one.
Crystal G, Senior Druid of CedarLight Grove, ADF