CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Guided Journey Workshop and Mabon High Rite

Guided Journey to meet your Teachers
CedarLight Center
Friday, 18 Sep 09 gather at 7:30 PM

We will start with some basic grounding, centering, exercise along with the concept of anchoring. There will also be some explanations of basic protections and why we do it.

From there will be led on a guided journey to meet our teachers. These could be guides, gods, ancestors, or animal spirits. They could be ones we have met before or new ones. The prayer for Staurday’s High Rite is reconnecting with our teachers. Who has been waiting for your full attention? Who has been trying to talk to you? Perhaps the journey can answer that question.

We will not be eating before the workshop but feel free to bring some finger food for afterwards to help with regrounding if you like. We should be finished up and leaving between 9:30 and 10:00


We ask that all participants bring their own set of divination tools for the Mabon High Rite on Saturday for a specific purpose during ritual.

We will also be holding an auction of goods (some REALLY nice ones too), so don’t forget to bring your cash or checks 😀

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