CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Imbolc Highrite

You are invitied…
To join CedarLight Grove for its Imbolc Highrite honoring the Goddess Brigid.
February 4th please arrive NLT 4 PM.

At Yule we asked the gods to Encourage Personal Growth in the coming year. For Imbolc, we understand that this “encouragement” is in the belly just waiting to be born into this world. We will be calling upon Brigantia as the land itself, Brigid as the ancestors, as the nature spirits, as the opener of the ways and finally as our primary patron(s) Brigid the healer & midwife, Brigid the bard and inspiration, and Brigid the smith who bend and shape us (gently we hope).

Our prayer and focus for this rite is: Growth through Fire and Water

Offerings will be made and Brigid’s fire from Kildare will be available for any who would light Her flame in their own home. Please feel free to bring a rattle, drum or tambourine to make some noise. Dress for the weather, we will be outside and you might want to bring a camp chair ours are limited.

Check out the link to the right or the discussions on Brigid on our forum.

Nine Blessings!
