CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

New Workshop: Hellenic Worldview and Greek Mythology

Part 2 of this workshop is scheduled for August 15th at 1pm. The cost is the same as Part 1, please RSVP by August 10th

Have you ever wondered about the basic cultural conceptions and assumptions that lie behind Greek myth? Have the stories of the Greek Gods seemed strange or difficult to relate to your own experiences? This workshop will explore these issues through the medium of myth and literature. It will examine the ancient Greek pagan worldview of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C.E., including discussions of the Greek concepts of fate, hubris, death, the nature of Gods and humans, gender roles, and other fundamental premises of Greek religion.

Date: May 9th starting at 1pm (should last about 2.5 hours), but you are welcome to come earlier for our Rites of Caffiena potluck brunch (please bring a dish to share if you join us for brunch, it can be anything from a few blocks of cheese, some crackers, bagels, etc.)

Cost: $20 (half for CLG members, not a member? Join up and receive half off all our workshops :))

RSVP: Email clg@cedarlightgrove.org by May 6th

To Bring: Something to take notes if you like

[ View/Print our flier for this event ]

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  1. Pingback: CedarLight Grove, ADF | A Pagan Church Group and Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland » Blog Archive » Part 2 of Hellenic Worldview Workshop

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