CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Swap Party!

Join CedarLight Grove in a Swap Party! A Swap Party is a new green initiative like the former Tupperware party days of old. Bring items in good condition and swap them with items other people have brought for swapping.

Each participant can join in the Swap Party for free. We would love to have donations to the Grove, but it is not necessary. If you wish to join us for our pot-luck brunch before-hand, please bring a dish to share. Bring your used but in good condition items to CedarLight Center. We will create a list of items you have donated and set them up for display. People will be given opportunity to browse your items during our Rites of Caffiena brunch and the Swap will officially begin at 1pm

Anything not taken home will be sold at a yard sale and then donated to Goodwill.

Date: May 23rd starting at 1pm, but you are welcome to come earlier for our Rites of Caffiena potluck brunch (please bring a dish to share if you join us for brunch, it can be anything from a few blocks of cheese, some crackers, bagels, etc.)

Cost: Every participant must bring 1 gently used item to participate, but there is no monetary fee. We always accept donations to support CedarLight Grove though.

RSVP: No RSVP needed, just show up with your item 🙂

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