CedarLight Grove, ADF is collecting blankets and warm clothes for the Lakota people in Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Garry Rowland, a Lakota Elder from the Wounded Knee Visitor’s Center has been corresponding with CedarLight Grove, and says many of his people need warm blankets during the cold months.
From now until March 22nd, at the time of our Ostara High Rite, we are collecting blankets and warm clothes at CedarLight Grove to be delivered to the Lakota on Pine Ridge Reservation. Please contribute what you can to help our native peoples.
All blankets and/or clothing and jackets can be used, but must be clean with no pet stains/odors. They must be in good working order with no holes or tears in the fabric.
Washington-Baltimore Area Pagans:
Our Senior Druid, Crystal Groves, will be at WABA-PLC this year. We’ve had requests from the pagan community coming from out of town to the conference, if we could collect blankets at WABA-PLC as it is the only time they will be in town. Crystal will be more than happy to fill up her mustang with blankets on both days at WABA-PLC for donations.
Any questions can be directed to crystal _at_ cedarlightgrove.org.