CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Yule 2003 Elections

Our tax hearing on the 17th appeared to be a great success. We will have a definite answer in 30 days as far as CLG’s tax status. With over a dozen members present in body, we were all present in spirit. Our representatives did an amazing job!

Our first ever 24 hour High Rite for Yule was amazing. I will be posting the outline of the ritual along with some memorable moments in the members section, this week, along with any pictures taken this weekend that are sent to me for the gallery.

Our Election results for 2004 are as follows:

Senior Druid: Caryn
Vice Senior Druid: Deirdre
Pursewarden: Alison
Scribe: Sati
Webmaster: Crystal
Fire Warden: Andy and Sass
Membership Coordinator: Penelope
Librarian: Rhi
Guilds Coordinator: Dani

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