CedarLight Grove, ADF

A Druid Fellowship in Baltimore Maryland

Beltane Celebration & Handfasting of Allyn & Melody

Tomorrow, Saturday May 7th, 2005, CedarLight Grove will hold its Beltane Highrite and witness the legal handfasting of members Allyn & Melody.

Some folks will be gathering around noon to work on the gardens and set up for the Highrite. We’d be happy to have some help!

Gathering for the ritual will begin at 3 PM, please plan on being at the sanctuary no later than 5 PM. Pre-ritual brief will be at 5:30 PM

Ritual start will be at 6 PM

Please bring a dish to pass for revels afterwards and a little something for the cauldron of donations from which we magically reserrect dead presidents to do our bidding.

Hope to see you then!
