Child’s Play Game Night Event!

For our Lughnasadh charity this year we will be raising money for Child’s Play! Child’s Play is a wonderful charity created and fueled by gamers which collects money to purchase new toys and video games for registered children’s hospitals around the country. This is a charity that is very dear to many of our members and we’re excited to finally have a chance to raise money for them.

On Friday, August 2nd we will be opening our doors for an afternoon (and night!) of fun and games! Doors open at Noon for people to start arriving and start having fun playing a myriad of board and card games. Some games that will be available for playing are:


-Cards Against Humanity

-Risk: Godswar

-Any other games that might find their way through our door!

At 7pm, we will be running both a 7th tabletop RPG module and a Dungeons and Dragons 4.0 table module! Both of these games require RSVPs before Game Night as they have limited room. But everyone is free to watch!

We will be passing the Dagda’s Cauldron around to collect money during the night; if you plan to play a game, we ask that you donate something to the cause! We’ll be at CedarLight Center all night so please stop by even just for a little while if you can!

If you would like to help contribute to the fundraiser but don’t think you’ll be able to attend, please donate using the Child’s Play widget below! All money goes directly to the charity. If you would like to read more about Child’s Play and its mission, visit their website here:

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